(MMSPY) Odisha Mukhyamantri Shiksha Puraskar Yojana 2023 [Registration, Benefits]

Odisha Mukhyamantri Shiksha Puraskar Yojana (MMSPY) 2023 (Benefits, beneficiaries, application form, registration, eligibility criteria, list, status, official website, portal, documents, helpline number, last date, how to apply, award, scholarship)

Odisha CM, Naveen Patnaik, unveiled the Odisha Mukhyamantri Sikshya Puraskar Yojana on 16th November. The main aim is to establish healthy competition among the public schools and give meritorious students recognition of academic excellence. It can help students financially and also encourage them to achieve what they are best to do in their lives.

The details of the financial assistance and the beneficiaries are given in the following part. Read on to know more about the entitled scholarship scheme.

Odisha Mukhyamantri Shiksha Puraskar Yojana

Odisha Mukhyamantri Shiksha Puraskar Yojana 2023

Name of the schemeOdisha Mukhyamantri Shiksha Puraskar Yojana
Main objective of the schemeEncourage healthy competition in the state schools and identify the deserving candidates
Beneficiaries of the schemeSchool students, educational institutes, teachers, school management and principals
Scheme has been launched byOdisha CM Naveen Patnaik
Scheme is launched atOdisha
Number of students to get the benefits50000 students and 1500 principals, along with gram panchayat, alumni, district administrators
Digi locker for council of higher secondary educationIt is to help students access mark sheets, certificates, and academic reports easily
Category of the schemeScholarship and award scheme
Date of scheme launch16th November
Total students to cover up financially under the schemeAlmost 50 thousand students can get help from the scholarship award

What are the highlighting details of the scheme?

  • Beneficiaries of the scheme – The scheme is mainly announced for the schools transformed under the 5T initiative.The award will help 1500 principals, 50 000 students, sarpanches, school management, and alumni  
  • Main objective of the scheme – The main idea of offering the awards is to help the students and school achieve excellence in academics. Besides, it is to help alumni associations for their contribution to bringing adequate development to the school.
  • Purpose of sanctioning the financial help – It offers financial help for excellence in education and is announced at a Children’s Day ceremony in Odisha
  • Financial help from CM – A total of rupees 100 crores will be given to the scheme’s beneficiaries

Annual awards to be given under the scheme

CM of Odisha has announced annual awards from rupees 100 crores yearly to the following groups:

  1. Students
  2. Meritorious students
  3. Student leaders who are excellent in co-curricular activities
  4. Scholarship for the deserving but from economically backward families 
  5. Principal

The headmistress and headmasters will be awarded under the scheme at different stages to bring in suitable development in the school for a better student future.

  • Teachers

In this category, almost 100 secondary school teachers from seven shortlisted subjects will be given benefits from the scheme. It will include teachers from gram panchayat, block and district levels in Odisha.

  • Schools
  • Alumni associations
  • School management committee
  • Gram panchayats
  • District Administration

Categories of award scheme in Odisha

The primary aim of the education award scheme is to motivate the stakeholders of the education system and help recognize deserving candidates. The department will give a guideline and start to plan the workshops accordingly. There will be two categories for this, and they are:

  1. Institutional awards – These will be offered to schools, educational institutes, school management committees, alumni associations, district administration and gram panchayats
  2. Individual award – The individual awards are meant for headmasters, teachers, and students under the scheme

Features of Digi Locker for CHSE/BSE Council

The CM of Odisha has also come up with a Digi Locker facility for the Board of Secondary Education or BSE and Council of Higher Secondary Education or CHSE. Students can keep safe documents, certificates and mark sheets in virtual lockers that are easy to access. It can prevent the chance of loss or theft of vital documents.

Why CM planned the scheme for the school students?

CM advised the importance of time and students focus on gaining knowledge that can help them further in this life endeavors. Individuals should not lose their chance to create an identity of their own and excel in different fields such as dance, music and sports.

He also focused on the importance of time and that students should focus on doing the right thing at the right time. While at school, it is time for students to focus on their studies, acquire knowledge, and find sources to explore ideas and engage in extracurricular activities. He believes that change is inevitable, and one should look forward with time, accept changes as they come in life, and cope with them. It will help one become enlightened and make an individual confident in whatever they wish to achieve and gain in their lives.

Who are eligible to register for the scheme?

  • Students and teachers of the state – As the scheme has been launched by Odisha CM, only the teachers, schools, students and management of the state can enjoy the benefits
  • School students – The school students, teachers, school management committee, alumni associates, district administration and principal, can apply for the scheme
  • Category of students – The deserving students, both from affluent and economically backward classes, are eligible to register for the scheme

Important Documents to register for the scheme

  • Educational Certificates – Students and teachers need to furnish suitable certificates justifying that they are eligible to get the scheme benefits
  • Domicile Details – One has to produce correct domicile details in support of their claim that they are natives of the state
  • Family Income – When a student is applying for the scheme, they should produce suitable family income details to justify their eligibility for the same

Process of registration under the scheme

As the award and scholarship scheme is a newly launched one, the details of its registration procedure are yet to be declared by the Odisha state government. The school authorities need to visit the official portal relating to the scheme to stay updated and can apply for the scheme as soon as the application details are out.

FAQ of the scheme

1. What is the name of the scheme?

ANS- Mukhyamantri Shiksha Puraskar Yojana

2. Who is taking the initiative for the scheme launch?

ANS- Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik

3. Who are the beneficiaries of the scheme?

ANS- Students, Principal, Teachers, Schools, Alumni associations, School management committee, Gram panchayats, District Administration

4. What is the utility of Digi locker?

ANS- Help students safely store certificates and documents virtually

5. How much money has been sanctioned for the scholarship scheme?

ANS- Rupees 100 crore

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